Why We Created Cantina Sabers...
Our names are Luke & Todd and we have been SW Youtubers since 2015. Our channel is called "The Scoundrel's Cantina" and we create SW lore videos, LEGO SW reviews and custom builds, SW animated short films and so much more!
The main purpose of Cantina Sabers from our perspective is to finally be independant from YouTube's unjust system which out of thin air left us demonetized for a whole year without ever telling us why and turned our career's upside down.
With this online store we can finally be financially independant and get back to creating videos about topics that we love. We just want to do our job whether or not we earn anything on YouTube at all and be without the limits of copyright claims and all the other bulls**t that they use to control creators.
The Scoundrel's Cantina Channel
We also have a YouTube channel called "The Crossroads Inn" where we make fantasy lore based on LOTR, Warcraft, POTC, HP & the Myth series as well as do LEGO reviews on fantasy LEGO themes such as these.
The Crossroads Inn Channel
We also have a third channel called Cantina Clips which is where we upload all the videos that youtube screwed us for on the main channel, but we didn't want all the work and editing to go to waste, so we regularly upload them there along with 4K AI Upscaled old Star Wars Trailers & Cinematics.
Cantina Clips