The Expanded Universe REBORN Project!

The Expanded Universe REBORN Project!

In the past few years we've learnt how to make animated short films through the use of games and mods that allow us to create stories that have never seen the screen.

Escaping The Sarlacc

One of the first stories that we choose to make is the story of how Boba Fett Escaped The Sarlacc Pitt based on the EU comic book from 1984 called SW Marvel (1977) issue 81.

Here is the link to the short film on our channel as well as another link with the comparison to the comic side by side:

This is just a taste of what this project is all about. Escaping The Sarlacc took about 3 months to make all the while uploading regular content to the channel at a time when we were still earning very well on youtube.

Stormtrooper Tales

Another project we have is a series about the various dialogue that stormtroopers have from various games such as Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, Force Unleashed, Fallen Order etc. So far we have 3 episodes made and they are all from based on the EU stories in Outcast.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

The series is set to continue until all the audio files and Stormtrooper banter is used which includes all the voice files of the Clone Troopers from the old Battlefront games as well. Clone Trooper Tales is also a thing that will be coming with both comedic episodes and very serious ones since it's the CW.

 Enemy Of The Empire

This is an upcoming story that is almost finished and is based on the comic book Boba Fett: Enemy Of The Empire from 1999. This was accidentaly made because we were creating these animations for a lore video but then decided that we might as well create the most pivotal part of the story into a 6 minute short film. There is currently no trailer for it, just the poster.

The Tusken Jedi Warlord

This is currently the biggest project that we are working on which will tell the story of Kenobi's duel with A'Sharrad Hett 2 years after the events of ROTS (EP3). It is based on the SW Legacy Comic series, Issue 16 - Claws Of The Dragon and will be a complete comic issue as a short film with all the dialogue and everything as accurate as possible, plus a prologned order 66 sequence at the beginning to make it even better. This one along with Escaping The Sarlacc is what the Expanded Universe Reborn project is all about.

Here's the trailer for it:

These were all the main projects so far and if you want to see the rest of the short films we made which are a bit more lighthearted here's a list of them bellow:

Battle Of The Jedi Praxeum (12 ABY)

Battle Of The Jundland Wastes (4 ABY)

Dosunn The Imperial Remnants Mountain Base (14 ABY)

Bossk: Birthday Hunter - A SW Short Film (for my girlfriend)

A Regrettable SW Story...

Thank you guys so much for go through all of this and we hope you buy a saber for yourself and help us to continue making content full time and focusing on the EU Reborn!

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